ORA (Optiwave Refractive Analysis)

The ORA intraoperative aberrometry system provides real-time analysis of your eye during surgery. Prior to cataract surgery, other measurements are taken to ensure proper intraocular lens (IOL) power selection, but there is always a margin of error when making the proper selection. The preoperative measurements need to be taken with the current cataract lens in place. If there is any corneal irregularity or a dense cataract, these pre-operative measurements are not as accurate. ORA allows Dr. Goodman to measure the IOL power during cataract surgery after the natural lens is removed. This is a more accurate prediction of the final IOL power, and this technology minimizes the need for glasses after cataract surgery.

ORA Technology is especially helpful for patients with high pre-operative prescriptions, previous LASIK surgery, dense cataracts, concurrent corneal disease or with the use of premium multifocal or toric intraocular lenses.

Cataract Self-Test
lasik Self-Test
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